Monday, March 30, 2009

Wedding Coming

My friend H (you know, from Serasponda) and I are both obsessed with stuffed animals. Playing with them, dressing them up[against their will>:D], and taking them with us everywhere.

Now, my Webkinz Horse - Almond - and her Webkinz Pegasus - Bob - have had a VERY long engagement of far over a year. But their waiting is soon to end, we're planning for a wedding to happen some time soon. (as soon as our parents let us see each other - aka our next "playdate".)

He already has a tux, and she has a wedding dress. We know who's going to be there, who will marry them, who the flower girls will be, everything. We just need to finally DO it. O_O

Oh, and we're planning to take pictures when we do, so you'll get to see the lovely bride soon, if all goes well. ;-)


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Some Things Just Spring Up On Ya' . . .

Tomorrow's the first day of spring, but around here it's already very spring-ish. Our flowers are starting to bloom after what seems like forever lying dorment, bugs are starting to creep out from wherever bugs go when it's cold, and the sun is warm and bright. (well, most days. there are still a few cold days lingering around. . .)

So, I for one will be happy tomorrow when we can officially say it's spring, bugs and all.

Happy day before spring! ;-)


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hello, sun! :D Hello, gnats. -_-

After a cold (by our standards at least) winter it's great when things finally start to warm up. It's warm enough now for t-shirts, sandals, and shorts. Of course, with the sun comes the gnats. But that's what you get for living near a marsh. [maybe I'll get to take a picture of the marsh and post it sometime....It really is lovely].

For those of you who don't have gnats where you live, they light on your arms, legs, and any other skin they can get to. Then the acidic liquid on their legs burns tiny bits of your skin and melts it so that they can lick it up with their long tongues.... >_<

Gross, I know. And more than a little painful. But I for one am still grateful for the warm weather. And as for the gnats, it could be a whole lot worse.

Moral of the day: Be content with what you have, and don't complain as much as I do. ;-)

Friday, March 6, 2009


I recieved a chain mail (something I get and send alot) from my mother.

The message is very deep, and touching, and I am going to post it on my blog.

Send this around, if you can.


63 years later

Please read the little cartoon carefully, it's powerful. Then read the comments at the end.
I'm doing my small part by forwarding this message. I hope you'll consider doing the same.
In Memoriam

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians and 1,900 Catholic priests who were murdered, massacred, raped, burned, starved and humiliated with the German and Russian Peoples looking the other way!

Now, more than ever, with Iraq, Iran, and others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it's imperative to make sure the world never forgets, because there are others who would like to do it again.
This e-mail is intended to reach 40 million people worldwide!
Join us and be a link in the memorial chain and help us distribute it around the world.

Please send this e-mail to 10 people you know and ask them to continue the memorial chain.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Here They Are...

Here they are! Hope you enjoy them. :-)

Bee Pics

Sorry it's been such a long time, but I've been busy.. (YES, AGAIN. -_-)

But, I have some pics to show you from when I went to a beekeeping class.

Maybe not a good idea since now daddy wants to get a hive....

And also since one of my friends that was there with me is deathly afraid of bees.

Oh well. We had fun!

I'll put them all in a different post, since I'm having trouble with this one.

[btw, when you see them, I'm the one in the penguin t-shirt, and mother said I'm allowed to put the pictures]